*Sadly Liz passed away on December 4th, 2019*
Liz is a 25 y/o grey roan Clydesdale draft mare who was a victim of the PMU industry. Mares are kept pregnant year after year so their urine can be collected to make the hormone replacement therapy drug Premarin. Liz has the number 51 branded on her left hip, which is how the PMU farm identified her. The foals they produce are considered a “by-product” of the industry and many end up at auctions and slaughter plants. When the mares are no longer able to breed, they too often find themselves in this situation-old, unhandled, used up and unwanted, destined for slaughter.
Liz had changed hands a few times over the past several years and needed a retirement setting where she could get medical, dental, and hoof care attention, as well as a nutritional plan to bring her back to good health. She has had very little handling in her life and is fearful of people. She only trusts her main handler, and over the time she has been here, has made remarkable progress!
More information about the PMU Industry: